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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spread the Word...

Created by young people with and without intellectual disabilities, Spread the Word to End the Word is one element of Special Olympics’ vision of a world where everyone matters, where everyone is accepted and, most importantly, where everyone is valued. Leading the way in promoting acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics opposes prejudice and discrimination, continuously working to dispel the negative stereotypes associated with this population — the use of the R-word being one such stereotype. In a world that has worked to eliminate pejorative racial and ethnic language such as the “N word,” among others, the R-word is gaining popularity.

Today, young people across the country are leading local efforts to raise awareness and collect pledges on from peers and the community to vow not to use the R-word. Actor and activist John C. McGinley, of the hit show “Scrubs,” is helping with this effort by making national media appearances on behalf of the campaign.

I personally have always hated hearing people use the word "retard" even before we ever had Ricky. Please make an effort to remind others how offensive this word is and to stop using it.

Just a reminder that my blog giveaway ends tomorrow morning at 9am central time. We have had a great response but there's still time to enter the contest!!


Anonymous said...

I will post this on my facebook site .....Thanks for posting!


Mama Bear said...

I can so relate sweetie. We too have a child now age 24 (just moved into the group home) and hearing him called "retard" "mongoloid" and is just downright hurtful, for him and for us.

Valerie said...

What a great idea. It is sad that people use hurtful words.