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Monday, September 14, 2009

Surgery Cancelled and New Blog Giveaway!

My poor little Peter had a terrible weekend.  Last Friday while at the doctor’s office for his pre-op physical, the doctor noticed some red bumps on his tonsils.  He didn’t think it was strep but because he was also running a low-grade fever he decided to do a throat culture.  It came back negative.   As the day went on, Peter got more and more sick…his temperature shot up and he was miserable.  The next morning he had more little red fluid-filled blisters in his diaper area.  By Saturday afternoon they were also on his elbows and knees.  I called the doctor who said just to watch him and keep giving Motrin and Tylenol for the pain and fever. 

When I went to brush his teeth that night, he screamed out in terrible pain.  Upon looking in his mouth, this is what I saw:

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This poor little boy had sores all over his tongue and sides and the roof of his mouth.  When I told my older girls about it, they informed me that  it sounded like their cousin who had the same thing last week!  After calling my sister to see what “bugs” they passed on to my little boy, she said it was Coxsackie Virus…Hand, Foot and Mouth disease!  Yuck! !  Needless to say, there is no way he can have his tonsils out on Wednesday…the sores are even on his tonsils and Peter cries every time he tries to eat or drink anything.  He screams out in his sleep at night and is getting dehydrated.  He is so miserable and I feel so helpless to do anything besides giving pain medicine around the clock and trying hard to keep him hydrated.  With my background as a nurse, I am a hand-washing fanatic and I’m making my other kids wash their hands all the time.  I know this is easily spread and it will be a miracle if some of my other kids don’t get it!  I really don’t even know how Peter could have caught it as he wasn’t around my sister’s kids for weeks…his older sisters were last week but none of them have been sick??!!

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On a more positive note, my blogging buddy, Melissa, of M Jennings Designs, (she made me this beautiful watch), has created new blog site  called

Stock PilingMom. She is having a Giveaway as a way to attract new readers to this blog where she shares tips on how to save money on your shopping bills.  Stop on over and and enter her giveaway! I love saving money and cutting coupons.  I have saved thousands of dollars since I started couponing.  I get so much free stuff and what we don’t use, I donate to shelters or sell at my garage sales.  This was some of the FREE stuff that I sold at my last sale…making hundreds of dollars!!  I priced it much lower than you could buy it new, so it was a great deal for everyone!!


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Kristin said...

My 3 year got that hand foot mouth disease a couple of days before we were suppose to fly out and pick up (adopt) our little Max. The doctor said don't even bother keeping other kids away - your whole neighborhhood will probably get it! But it's rare that babies or adults get it, so we were safe to fly to Texas and get our little angel {I hate to think who else we gave it too.}
Luckily, Piper only had it real bad on her feet, so we kept them covered at all times, and she seemed to be fine after a day or two. Your little guy looks completely miserable. Hope he heals fast!!

Gardenia said...

poor little one. sorry to hear about his virus. what a bummer. apparently this hand foot and mouth disease is among the top five most common childhoos illnesses. I'm on my way to check out your firend's site.

Anonymous said...

OHHH yeah my son had that as a tot..ouch poor boy!!!

Courtney said...

Your poor sweet angel! :( Hope he feels better asap! Nothing is worse than seeing one of your babies in pain. :( Thinking of you--and hoping it stays contained!


Leah Spring said...

Oh, my oldest had it over his 1st birthday (he's 22 now!) That was the worse thing ever! UGH! I was a young mom then, just 20 years old. I would give him baby orajel then feed him while he was numb. Never occurred to me he might aspirate! LOL It's amazing my kids survived. The good thing is, you'll be well prepared for how he's going to feel after his surgery! I need to read your friend's blog. And looking at the picture of stuff you sold, I could have used about 20 bottles of the Febreeze with all the dogs we have here! LOL

Mama Bear said...

Oh gosh, poor baby. I so hope he's back to feeling better soon.